100% organic food quality
Pet food without organic quality often contains unhealthy substances. They are hardly beneficial for the health of our pets.
However, for organic pet food from BIO INSTINKT we use only food with 100% organic food quality.
These are even suitable for human consumption. In addition, the process for the production of the products runs according to strict guidelines.
The process is controlled at regular intervals.
Everything your pet needs!

Responsible feeding
For the health and vitality of your pet, nutrition is an important factor. Through the correct feeding with products of the best organic quality, your four-legged friend can achieve a longer life. Therefore, it is worthwhile to take a closer look at this important topic.
Does your pet suffer from digestive problems or is prone to allergies?
Many pet foods contain ingredients that are anything but beneficial to your pet’s health. than beneficial to the health of your pet. For this reason, they should be avoided. Preservatives, artificial antioxidants and colorants, carbohydrates in the form of starch and cellulose, allergens such as corn, corn gluten, soy, etc., as well as sugar do not belong in a healthy pet meal.
Free from any additives
Overall, we do not use any additives for our products and use only high-quality organic ingredients. Thus, all important nutrients are included, which your pet needs daily.

Controlled organic quality
We source our high-quality raw materials and ingredients for BIO INSTINKT from selected German organic farms. There, all products are gently prepared without chemical additives for nutrients and ingredients. Each complete feed is produced according to a balanced recipe, which is based on the latest scientific findings and nutritional guidelines.
Species appropriate animal husbandry
We attach great importance to a species-appropriate husbandry of the feed animals. If an animal becomes ill, it is treated primarily with homeopathic remedies instead of chemical substances.
You are welcome to taste
Organic pet food from BIO INSTINKT is produced according to the same guidelines as organic quality food. Thus, even you could consume the food without hesitation. Because just like you, our faithful companions deserve a high-quality meal.

Healthy and tasty
Our organic pet food is not only free from any additives, but also contains particularly fresh and pure ingredients. Therefore, it is not only easier to digest for your four-legged friend, also the taste of our products can fully develop.
Better food utilization
Since our products contain no fillers and offer a high energy density, the amount of feed required is generally reduced. Due to the higher digestibility, even smaller amounts of feed are better utilized, which is reflected in a correspondingly reduced amount of stool.
For all phases of life
Depending on age and activity, dogs have very different nutritional and vital substance requirements. Therefore, we have developed wet food for young and for adult dogs, each available as a complete food in different flavors.